many worlds in one: the personal is poetic, the poetic is political, the political is personal.
work by gita hashemi


ouster: re_union | PDF
Published in Fuse Magazine, vol 38, no. 4.

Time Lapsed | PDF
Self Curated, A Space Gallery, Toronto, Canada, March 2013.

The Political Is Personal | PDF
Self Curated, Red House Centre for Culture and Debate, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2011.

Auto-Liberacion | PDF
Guest Curated, Arte Nuevo InteractivA 07, Merida, Mexico, June 2007.

Locating Afghanistan | PDF
Guest Curated, Arte Nuevo InteractivA 05, Merida, Mexico, June 2005.

Locating Afghanistan
Curator. Exhibited at Richmond, California and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 2003-05.

Vigil of Planetary Net Art
Guest Contributor, 2004. PDF

RealPlay | PDF | site
Guest Curator. Part of Java Museum’s Remembering, Repressing, Forgetting, v. 2, 2004. Exhibition locations: National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania, March 5- April 30; Center for Electronic Art, BEK, Bergen, Norway, March 5- 28; New Media Art Festival, Bangkok, Thailand, March 20- 28; Electronic Art Meeting - PEAM, Vision 04 Festival, Pescara, Italy, May19- 23; BASICS Festival, Salzburg, Austria, May 8 –16; VI Salon y coloquio internacional de art digital, Havana, Cuba, June 21- 24; Festival of New Film and Media Split, Croatia, June 26- July 2; public_ media_ space Festival, Yerevan, Armenia , July 23- August 3; West Coast Numusic & Electronic Arts Festival; Stavanger, Norway, 17-22 August; Biennale of Electronic Art, Perth, Australia September 7- November 17; Orilla'04 - International Exhibition of Digital Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, Argentina, November 4- December 4.

Negotiations: From a Piece of Land to a Land of Peace | PDF | site
Artistic Director. 10-day art-driven event involving Canadian and international artists. Included performances, screenings, workshops, panel discussions, visual art exhibition, street interventions and a public forum. Toronto, June 2003.

Will | PDF | site
Curator. Multi-disciplinary exhibit involving 7 teams of Canadian and international artists engaged in transnational collaboration. Exhibited at A Space Gallery, Toronto, June 19-29, 2003.

Trans/Planting: Contemporary Art by Women from/in Iran | PDF | site
Co-Curator (with Taraneh Hemami). Multi-disciplinary exhibition of work by 9 international artists. Exhibited at A Space Gallery, Toronto, January 13-February 17, 2001.

last modified: 29 JAN 2014